A new book for the New Year

As an author, unsurprisingly, I adore writing. And last week I had the pleasure of writing my two favourite words: The End

This was on the Crafternoon Sewcial Club - Sewing Bee. The long-awaited sequel in the popular series.

It’s the eighteenth time I’ve had the pleasure of writing The End, and it feels just as good as the first.

The manuscript is now off to my editor for an intense spit and polish ahead of the official release date - 31st March.

I’d hoped to finish this book by year-end, but a bout of COVID knocked me on my ass, delaying me for a few days.

So, the new book in numbers:

Word count (before editing) – 76,635

Days to complete (Started 19th August) – 142

Average word count finished per day – 539

An average of 539 words per day is below where I’d like to be. But it goes to show, a little and often, and you’ll accomplish what you’re trying to achieve.

Those words soon add up, and before you know it, you’ve written yourself another book!

The question now is what to write next? I've a few irons in the fire, so watch this space.

Something which made me chuckle in the name of research. I've mentioned previously that, as a writer, I often find myself having to research some questionable topics. Indeed, my search history would make for interesting reading as a result.

Anyway, I don't know the inner workings of Facebook, but if I search for something, I often receive a recommendation for associated products a couple of days later. In this case, I was looking at something crochet-related for the new book.

Imagine my delight at seeing these cheeky little numbers appearing in my newsfeed today.

If anybody is struggling with my birthday ideas, you won't go far wrong with the top left option.

Oh, and this is why I don't write steamy romance.

Can you imagine how I'd explain away what'd appear to Mrs JC if I started researching that topic

Finally, I've been working on a new video for Frank and Stan's Bucket List. If you've never read the Frank series you really should. It's so funny. I know there are bikes on the front cover but, trust me, you don't have to like bikes to enjoy. Give them a go, you really won't be disappointed.

As always, leave me a comment or get in touch at authorjcwilliams@gmail.com I don't bite, I promise